
美国心脏协会的® 遵循指南® (GWTG) 早期职业研究者(ECI)数据库研究种子基金 recognize promising and outstanding investigators in the early stages of their careers and stimulate research using the GWTG AFib, 冠状动脉疾病, Heart Failure, Resuscitation, 和描边注册表. 对于很多专业人士来说, 这些ECI资助是未来研究机会的垫脚石, collaboration, 科学进步. For the AHA, these ECI grants provide a step forward in our mission to be a relentless force for a world of longer, 更健康的生活.



Name: Hannah Schwennesen,医学博士

Institution: 杜克大学

尽管导管消融在房颤治疗中的应用越来越多, 很少有人知道哪些复发的病人能从重复手术中获益. Our project will utilize the GWTG-AF database to characterize patients undergoing repeat ablation and explore the effect of patient and procedural characteristics on outcomes after ablation.”

Hannah Schwennesen is a second-year internal medicine resident at 杜克大学 School of Medicine. She completed her undergraduate education at 杜克大学 and received her medical degree from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on the clinical management of atrial fibrillation with a particular interest in catheter ablation. 她计划在实习期结束后继续攻读心血管医学.


Name: Nicholas K. Brownell, MD

Institution: 加州大学洛杉矶分校大卫·格芬医学院

"Randomized control trials have shown that sodium-glucose co-transporter-2 inhibitors (SGLT2is) reduce cardiovascular events for patients with heart failure, 然而,在当代实践中,它们并未得到充分利用. 使用gwtg -心力衰竭, we hope to evaluate the real-world clinical effectiveness of SGLT2is and expand the evidence base for routine SGLT2i use in heart failure."

Nicholas K. Brownell, MD is a cardiology research fellow at the 加州大学洛杉矶分校大卫·格芬医学院. He completed his undergraduate education at the University of Pennsylvania with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering, 主修生物工程. He then received his medical degree from the Emory University School of Medicine and completed his internal medicine residency training at UT Southwestern. He is currently supported by the UCLA Specialty Training and Advanced Research (STAR) program and an NIH T32 training grant. Dr. Brownell is pursuing a PhD in Health Policy and Management at the UCLA Fielding School of Public Health with a concentration in Implementation Science. His research focuses on the evaluation of care gaps in cardiovascular disease and optimization of healthcare delivery for heart failure.



Name: Charles F. 谢罗德四世,MD

Institution: 圣卢克中美洲心脏研究所

“种族差异在我们的医疗体系中普遍存在,这是不合理的, 通过提高我们的理解, 我们可以努力缩小成果差距. 亚裔和西班牙裔美国人是美国人口增长最快的两个种族群体, yet little is known about the challenges faced when confronting in-hospital cardiac arrest."

Charles Sherrod is a first year combined T32 Cardiovascular Outcomes Research and General Cardiology Fellow at Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute and the University of Missouri in Kansas City, 他在那里接受医生的指导. 保罗·陈,安德鲁·绍尔和约翰·斯珀图斯. He completed his medical school at the University of Missouri in Kansas City as part of the BA/MD program. Thereafter, 他被招募到布朗大学和罗德岛医院, 他在哪里完成了研究方向的内科住院实习. He is particularly interested in improving the quality and value of healthcare across diverse populations.


Name: Lindsay Shepard,医学博士

Institution: 费城儿童医院

“尽管呼吸衰竭是儿童骤停的常见原因, 医院内心脏骤停的最佳气道管理仍然是未知的. We hope that this study will help to inform intra-arrest airway management strategy in children to improve survival outcomes."

Dr. Lindsay Shepard is currently a pediatric critical care medicine fellow at the 费城儿童医院, and a postdoctoral T-32 fellow in the Pediatric Hospital Epidemiology and Outcomes Research Training (PHEOT) program. She is currently enrolled in the Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology (MSCE) program at the University of Pennsylvania. 她获得了宾夕法尼亚大学的本科学位, 以及她在托马斯·杰斐逊大学西德尼·基梅尔医学院获得的医学学位, and completed her residency training in pediatrics at New York Presbyterian 哥伦比亚大学 Medical Center. 

Dr. Shepard对改善儿童心脏骤停的结果很感兴趣. In particular, her current research primarily focuses on respiratory failure and ventilation prior to during pediatric cardiac arrest. She previously developed and assessed validity evidence for a code leader assessment tool, and evaluated the influence of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) coach on interruptions during chest compressions.



Name: 费尔南达·卡瓦略·波拉兹,医学博士,博士

Institution: 哥伦比亚大学

“Antiplatelet use is widespread and associated with hematoma expansion and poor outcomes in intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) patients. I plan to assess the impact of coagulopathy reversal practices on clinical outcomes in patients on antiplatelet agents. 我希望我的研究能为优化非物质脑炎急性期管理提供见解.”

Fernanda Carvalho Poyraz is a second year Neurocritical Care fellow at New York Presbyterian Hospital (哥伦比亚大学 and Weill Cornell University). She received her MD/PhD dual degree from 哥伦比亚大学 with a doctorate thesis in Neuroscience. She completed internship in Internal Medicine and residency in Neurology at New York Presbyterian Hospital (哥伦比亚大学). She has experience with translational research using rodent models of neuropsychiatric diseases and clinical research in hemorrhagic stroke. Her current research interests are focused on coagulopathy reversal and transfusion practices in patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage. 她在李博士的指导下工作. 哥伦比亚大学神经学助理教授David Roh说.


